Sunday, February 26, 2012

Buying a handgun for my new job?

I just got a new job as a delivery driver in Pennsylvania, there are a few unsafe areas that they offer delivery, and I was wondering if I should buy a gun to carry with me? It is in Pittsburgh, and it's delivering Chinese food, if that matters!

Thanks!Buying a handgun for my new job?
The first thing you need to do is check with your employer and find out what their policy is. Next, you need to check on state laws as Dan suggested. He is also correct about making a choice and practicing.

Spock's advice, on the other hand, is rather naive. People who are going to rob you don't always just walk up and announce that they're about to take your money. For example: when I was a cop, I had 2 friends who both delivered pizza for the same place. Policy was to not carry more than $20, in an effort to make them a less appealing target to would-be thieves. The first was jumped one night by 3 guys with baseball bats, who popped up from behind some bushes. They put him in the hospital for $15 and a pepperoni pizza. The second was a reserve with our sheriff's office. After what happened to the first guy, she started carrying her duty pistol, a 1911. One night as she was walking back to her car after delivering a pizza, a guy came at her from behind another parked car. She had enough time to draw her weapon. He saw it, stopped, then ran away. None of those 4 people were ever caught (at least not for those is often the case, I would not be surprised if they were eventually put away for something else).Buying a handgun for my new job?
Well, first you need to find out the laws on carry ( you will need a CCW or Conceal Carry Weapon licens if you plan on carrying concealed) you can learn the laws from a local shooting range or gun shop. Rent a few and decide what you like/don't like. Research it, ask questions. And go shooting offten, the time and money spent could save your life!Buying a handgun for my new job?
i hope and pray that people don't get held up over an order of Kung Pao Chicken.

if you don't have any cash of your own with you -- it's pretty much your employer's problem, isn't it?

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